Dwellings is a needs simulator revolving around surviving as someone who is living rough. Dwellings was conceived and created during the Global Game Jam 2019 at Staffordshire University by me and 4 of my friends. The theme for the game jam was What Home Means To You, our team took this in a different direction and focused on the hardships of people who are not so fortunate and are without a home. The game jam took place from January 25th to January 27th.
We came up with 4 different factors or needs that needed to be manged, these were hygiene, temperature, hunger and thirst.
These all fed into an overall needs bar. There are several actions that the player could take to earn money to afford upgrades and
These purchases would minimise or reset the progress of the needs bars and the player would have to strategically pick the resource
that was needed at that specific point in time.
The player would also level up through the course of the game and would gain access to more expensive resources which would
benefit the player more.
The player would lose if they did not keep on top of all of the needs.
If you'd like to know more about this project you can contact me
The project can be found on the global game jam website
A video displaying the game can be found